DEATH From Above...
AUGUST 04.2006
i know its been forever since i wrote anything on here. im sure by now most of you assume the band isnt happening anymore since there are no shows, no work on a new album, etc. well. i wanted to let you know that your assumptions are correct. we decided to stop doing the band... actually we decided that almost a year ago. we finished off our scheduled tour dates because there were good people working for us who relied on us to make a living and buy christmas presents and pay rent etc. we couldnt just cancel everything and leave them out to dry... plus i think we wanted to see if we would reconsider after being out on the road. our label was really hoping that we would change our minds, so they asked us to keep quiet about the decision for at first. well, its been quite awhile now and we are still very sure the band wont happen again, so i guess its time to say something.
we started as a punk band with pop aspirations and we met every goal we set for ourselves. a few weeks ago, the album finally went gold in
i never would have imagined that the wall of noise i love so much could have come this far. to see my silly elephant trunk idea become so popular... im sure its the greatest piece of graphic design
over the last 3 years of touring, sebastien and i had grown apart to such an extent that the only real time we spoke was just before we would play and during interviews. we both changed so much that the people we were by the end of it, probably wouldnt have been friends if they were to meet for the first time again. its a totally
it would be more sad if we stopped changing and growing and kept playing the same songs for 40 years like the rolling stones. for me that would be a nightmare.
thank you so much for your support from beginning to end. thanks ache records for giving
i hope i have been a positive example and not a bad influence and i really want you to know that when you stop me on the street and i dont know what to say, its not because i dont appreciate you, its just not something ill ever really get used to.
thanks again.
j f k
Pelo que se sabe, por aí, ambos possuem novos projetos, na música eletrônica. Jesse com o MSTRKRFT, que inclusive remixou duas faixas do álbum de remixes do DFA79, e Sebastien com o ‘Girl on Girl’, que não cheguei a achar na net, mas que também remixou uma faixa desse álbum aí, a última. Agora, é acompanhar o trabalho solo deles...
- You're a Woman, I'm a Machine (2004)
- Romance Bloody Romance [Remixes & B-sides] (2005)
Jessé F. Keelemo (baixo/sintetizador)
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/mstrkrft
Site: http://www.mstrkrft.com/
Girl on Girl: ? (Não é aquele duo de garotas que tem no Myspace, hem)
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